School Resources
Health Education Lesson Plans on Internet Safety
Grades 7-8
Additional Information and Training
- Online Bullies Pull Schools Into the Fray
An article on how schools are dealing with Cyberbullies.
- 3 Ways to Keep Students Safer Online - PDF
This handout provides information for school to help keep their students safe online.
- Online safety report discourages scare tactics
Social networking can be sensibly incorporated into the classroom, a federal task force says in an article by
- S.T.A.R. School Technology Action Report - Tackling School Bullying
What you need to know about bullying and cyber bullying legislation, prevention, and best practices from eSchool Media Inc.
- Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media offers free Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum and Parent Media Education Program. The relevant, ready-to-use instruction helps guide students to make safe, smart, and ethical decisions in the digital world.
Prevent Child Abuse Utah - Internet Safety & Child Abduction Prevention Program
Prevent Child Abuse Utah offers free training to students on Internet safety and child abduction prevention. This program, which was reviewed by the Elementary Steering Committee and the Utah State Board of Education, is available in Northern Utah schools.
PCAU also offers training sessions to Utah's school personnel, DARE and resource officers. This opportunity trains professionals to educate the students they serve.
The sessions include training in the NetSmartz and Protecting Utah Kids curricula. The materials are designed to serve 10-17 year old students.
For more information about the Protecting Utah Kids program, please call Carrie or Ryann at 801-920-5717 or visit the Prevent Child Abuse Utah web site.
Online Resources
- Digital Respons-Ability
Digital citizenship and parenting classes to schools and organizations across the state of Utah
- Link back to NetSafe Utah
Use one of the NetSafe widget to add a link to NetSafe Utah site on your school or district site.
- NetSmartz
This Web site, from The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and Boys & Girls Clubs of America, provides information about NetSmartz, an interactive, educational safety resource that teaches kids and teens how to stay safer on the Internet. The site has many resources for kids, teens, parents, educators, and law enforcement officials, including the video Tracking Teresa. This video explores Internet safety by demonstrating how a person can be tracked simply by accessing their online profile, screen name, and e-mail address.
- Internet Safety Cheat Sheet
The Internet Safety Cheat Sheet is a list of non-techie explanations that teach you how to quickly adjust settings on your computer and mobile devices to make the web a safer place for your kids.
- National Cyber Security Alliance
The National Cyber Security Alliance's mission is to educate and therefore empower a digital society to use the Internet safely and securely at home, work, and school, protecting the technology individuals' use, the networks they connect to, and our shared digital assets.
- CyberSmart!
CyberSmart! fosters 21st century skills to increase student engagement and prepare students to achieve in today's digital society. In this way we are very different?and substantially more effective?than organizations that only promote messages alerting educators, students, and parents to the dangers of the Internet. While we do directly address online safety and security issues, we do so with a clear focus on the broader educational objective.
- Naming in a Digital World: Creating a Safe Persona on the Internet (Lesson Plan)
Developed by ReadWriteThink
Naming takes on new meanings in digital settings. As students build personas through e-mail addresses, screen names, and online profiles, they can be unaware of the ways that others may use the aliases, names, and other information that they choose and share. In this lesson from ReadWriteThink, students explore naming conventions in digital and non-digital settings. Then they choose and explain names and profiles to represent themselves online.
- Online Safety (Lesson Plan)
This Strategy Guide describes the strategies involved in ensuring that students understand how to be safe when they participate in online discussion and join social networks.