Cyber-bullying is No Fun
After watching the Cyber-bullies are no Fun video see how well you do on the following questions:
Q: What is cyber-bullying?
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A: Someone who bullies others using technology like text messages, e-mail messages, or posting things online.
Q: When can cyber-bullying happen?
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A: Cyber-bullying can happen anywhere even when Alex thinks he is safe at home.
Q: What does Big Mike do to cyber-bully Alex?
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A: He sends Alex an e-mail calling him names, writes a nasty lie on a web site, then texts him every ten minutes saying he is going to beat Alex up the next day.
Q: What should Alex do?
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A: He needs to be courageous. He saves the nasty e-mail, the web site posting, and the text messages and shows them to his parents. His parents contact the school and give the principal all of the evidence.
Q: What can happen to someone who cyber-bullies?
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A: Big Mike's parents are notified and he is suspended from school.